Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mrs. Alden goes to Washington DC (6/10/10)

We woke this morning at about 7:30 in beautiful Luray Virginia and had a great breakfast in the hotel restaurant.  Afterwards we set out for Washington DC via the Blue Ridge Parkway and what a beautiful drive it was!  We stopped at overlooks and had some fun before stopping to have lunch in this great little local place that has been family owned since 1963.  It had pretty good food and a neat little country store.

We arrived in DC right at rush hour (this was not thought out)!  We circled for about an hour and a half before finally finding a parking space.  Tommy and I set out to look at all the monuments and memorials which were spectacular.  It took Tommy and I about three hours to get to them all and really enjoy taking in the sites.  We would have loved to have done the Smithsonian but that would take another two days!  Maybe some other time.

Dorothea met new friends, pretty typical of Dorothea, and we ventured into Maryland.  We had some fun watching the need gas light and the needle as we drove towards the hotel.  All in all another great day!

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