Friday, June 18, 2010

The Cape (6/13/10)

Today my parents, Tommy, and I went with Norm and Judith to their summer cottage on the cape.  I forgot to bring my camera this day so I will be asking my mom for the pictures she took.   It was a 100 year old cottage that has been in Judith's family since the early 1940's.  It was really cool to see the old construction that is still functions today.

Norm and Judith took us to the Lobster Trap which is a nice little seafood shack.  I had some great whole clams which you can't in the south.  I'm not much a fish fan but I love clams and lobster!

Katie, Steven, Tommy and I ordered Chinese for dinner and watched Twilight!  Katie and I are obsessed and I only wish I could be there to go see Eclipse with Katie.

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