Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hershey - Chocolate Town USA! (6/19/10)

Today is the day!  I'm going to chocolate Mecca!  Hershey, PA.  We started with a tour in Chocolate World (if there is any place for me to be it is a place called Chocolate World).  It was like touring the factory without going into the factory.  The cows were a cute touch to the tour.  After the tour I shopped for, you guessed it, chocolate!  Dorothea wanted to go on a Trolley Tour of Hershey which was really great!  We saw the house Mr. Hershey built his wife, heard his remarkable story, and saw the school he founded for orphaned boys.  We also saw the Hershey Kisses street lamps! It was really a remarkable thing.

After Hershey we stopped at the Army Heritage Center in Carlisle, PA.  This was a stop for Tommy.  Dorothea stayed in the car while Tommy and I wandered the trail that had all the Army stuff.  Before we hit the trail we went in the building which is a library that houses all the Generals papers from the Revolution through today.  There was also an exhibit Omar Bradley.

The trail had features from every war including the French and Indian War.  Sometimes it was just a building and other times it was weapons from different periods.  Tommy was like a big kid running around and playing with all the toys.  He asked me to take pictures of him with all the different guns and tanks.  After we spent about an hour exploring the Army Heritage Center we left for our hotel in Fort Chiswell, Virginia.  This was the longest day because we still had five hours of driving after both stops.  It was worth it though!

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