Saturday, June 19, 2010

Salem (6/15/10)

This is the day I was really looking forward to.  This is a town with a dark past and yet they embrace it.  I find it really fascinating.  Tommy and were really familiar with the Salem story but I was looking forward to experiencing it first hand.  We ate lunch at a great pizza place and then took our first picture at the Bewitched statue!  Too cool!

We went with Katie and met my parents in Salem.  We had a quick lunch and then mapped out our route.  We started at the Witches Dungeon Museum.  Little did we know that we were about to get ourselves into trouble.  They were selling a combination ticket with two other museums and we decided to by the combo ticket.  All of these were guided tours and were going to take up all the time.  Salem closes up at 5 P.M. sharp and we didn't get started until 2.  We lost a lot of time running around to all those museums and then taking the tours that we didn't get to spend as much time as we would like in Salem. The pirate tour was fun though!

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