Friday, June 18, 2010

New Friends (6/12/10)

Today my mom and dad came over to meet Katie, Jeffrey, Steven, Kelly, Noah, and Betty.  We had a great breakfast cooked by Kelly and Katie brought awesome Dunkin Doughnuts coffee.  It was nice to have everyone meeting everyone even though I had only met everyone the night before.  Still everyone was talking, eating, and laughing!

After a great breakfast my mom, dad, Tommy and I left to meet my dad's uncle Norm and Aunt Judith.  Uncle Norm has been a carpenter all his life and taught carpentry for a living.  He built his house and most of the furniture within.  It was a beautiful home.  Norm built a wooden carosel horse that is hollow.  There is a surprise inside if anyone decided to break it apart to redo it years down the road.

Norm and Judith are amazing people and today is their 62nd wedding anniversary.  Tommy and I learned the secret to a long marriage.  "I'm wrong."  Judith and Norm both said this to one another throughout the day.  It was really lovely to see two people still in love after so much time and working to help one another.

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